
This is my Ideas page. It’s about things I’ve always wanted to do, am planning to do or just crazy, interesting ideas (at least to me). I’m open to help.

I’ve got some unpublished work around documenting a set of data patterns that describe different forms of sharing, stewarding and publishing data. I’ve had several attempts at writing that up through my freelance work but nothing that’s been made public yet. I’d like to fix that.

I’ve got a few unfinished projects that I keep coming back to.

One is a mobile application that helps to visualise the boundaries and geographies we move through as we go about our lives, and what perspective that can us on those locations.

The other is a way to visually explore how sharing data can unlock both positive and negative value for you as an individual and for society as a whole. What are the impacts of “dialing up” or “down” the data about you that you share?

I’ve got various unfinished projects on github. I’ve got a couple of Mastodon bots that I need to finish. I’m interested in making some more fun, creative things. I’m already working on a product on a day to day basis.

I’d like to publish some scenarios for the TTRPGs I’ve been playing. Just as free downloads. I’m happy writing, but need to think about how to layout and publish these so they’re useful for others.

I keep thinking about gathering up some of the writing I’ve done here and publishing a book on open data and/or data infrastructure. Although to be honest a blog is probably as good as a book these days.

Given a big chunk of funding, or a lottery win, I’d like to explore setting up a service or agency to help others build sustainable, trustworthy data infrastructure. Unless that lands in my lap I’ll just keep writing about that topic here.